We don't need no education
then we should be all illiterate
We don't need no thought control
then we didn't at least need to think
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
so here comes the fake luminous freedom from being absolutely nothing
Teachers leave them kids alone
alone, without hopes and without future perspectives
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
alone, drunk, alcoholic adict, ignorant and without any professional qualification
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
better be just brick thrown thereabout
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
better be just brick that breaks window-panes and windshields
just brick thrown thereabout
just brick thrown thereabout
just brick thrown thereabout
then we should be all illiterate
then we didn't at least need to think
so here comes the fake luminous freedom from being absolutely nothing
alone, without hopes and without future perspectives
alone, drunk, alcoholic adict, ignorant and without any professional qualification
better be just a brick thrown thereabout
better be just brick that breaks window-panes and windshields
just brick thrown thereabout
just brick thrown thereabout
just brick thrown thereabout